

2015年1月6日 星期二

International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Structures and Facilities (ISSF2015)

International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Structures and Facilities (ISSF2015)
Date      : 13 January 2015 (Tuesday)
Time      : 9:30 – 18:00
Venue     : Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel, Hong Kong, China, Conference Theme

Intelligent Buildings (IBs) aim to optimize the built environment, energy efficiency, safety, friendliness and cost effectiveness by integrating building management and communications to serve people and to enhance their intelligence. You are invited to visit this vibrant and dynamic metropolitan to share your innovative ideas, experiences and research achievements in green buildings, repairs and maintenance, energy efficiency and intelligent building design and other related areas.

Who Should Attend
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Building Services Engineers, Structural Engineers, Housing Managers, Facility Managers, Developers, Architects, Surveyors, Project Managers, Project Planners and others who are interested in IBs.
Specific research topics for ISSF2015 are listed below
Intelligent Buildings Pioneering Technologies
Modern Intelligent Housing and Planning
Global Concern and Intelligent Buildings
Contemporary Construction Technology in Intelligent Infrastructures
Best Practices in Building Services for Intelligent Buildings Management
Intelligent Buildings Development in the Changing World
Intelligent Buildings Policy and Systems
Intelligent Buildings Designs with Safety and Sustainable Considerations
Risk Management for Intelligent Buildings
Quantitative Risk Analysis for Intelligent Buildings
Safety of Modern Building Structure
Pioneering Intelligent Building Engineering
Pioneering Architectural Design and Use of Modern Building Materials
Green Construction towards Intelligent Buildings
Waste and Water Management in Intelligent Buildings
Keynote Speech
Ir CHAN Fan Frank, JP
Director of Electrical and Mechanical
Services of HKSAR
Registration Fee
Member # HK$1,200 / Non-member HK$1,400 / Full-time Student HK$800
# Member of AIIB or the Supporting Organizations are entitled to the member rate. *Conference proceeding, a lunch and 2 tea breaks inclusive.
CPD Certification
Participant of ISSF2015 Conference shall receive a 6-hour CPD certificate
Method of Payment (Please make payment in advance)
Please mail the crossed cheque made payable in Hong Kong dollar to “Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings Ltd.” and attach along with the completed registration form to :
Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings
Unit A, 1st Floor, Comfort Garden, 60 King’s Road, Hong Kong
Attn.: ISSF2015 Registration
Please complete the registration form and return it with the appropriate payment to AIIB via the following channels:-
by Mail: Unit A, 1st Floor, Comfort Garden, 60 King’s Road, Hong Kong. OR
For further enquires, please contact AIIB Ir Ken LUK at (852) 6100 0631 or waichungkenluk@yahoo.com.hk.

