

2015年11月3日 星期二

Launch of a New Green Building Rating Tool for Existing Buildings

Launch of a New Green Building Rating Tool for Existing Buildings
The new version of our green building rating tool-BEAM Plus Existing Buildings, Version 2.0 – has been released. It can be downloaded at the website of BEAM Society Ltd (www.beamsociety.org.hk).
The rating tool is now in the public commenting stage. After finalization, it is expected that registrations for assessment would begin to be accepted in Q1 of 2016.
This revision has made the rating tool more flexible to apply as stepwise improvements of an existing building and selective participation in different assessment aspects are now possible. The tool also features enhanced applicability to aged buildings.
Members of the institute are encouraged to apply the rating tool to their existing buildings so as to demonstrate their commitment to CSR and sustainable practices.
