

2015年11月26日 星期四

Technical Visit to Hongkong Electric Power Quality Centre and Smart Power Centre

Technical Visit to Hongkong Electric Power Quality Centre and Smart Power Centre

Voltage dips and harmonics are two major issues affecting power quality. To share the knowledge, Hongkong Electric has established a Power Quality Centre which enables participants to understand more about power quality and the ways to safeguard the power supplies for their important services.
The Power Quality Centre is equipped with a voltage dip generator and different mock-up installations to demonstrate the effects of power quality on sensitive equipment, as well as the voltage dip ride-through solutions for various types of equipment.
The “Smart Power Centre” provides advice on the choice of electrical equipment or appliances as well as general knowledge on the safe and smart use of electricity. The centre mainly focuses on introducing the effectiveness and easy use of electrical appliances, intelligent panel and automatic lighting control.

Further to the critical facilities / electrical design courses, you are cordially invited to attend the technical visit / guided tour by the HK Electric:

Date : 8 January 2016 (Friday)
Duration : 15:00 - 17:00 (2 hours)

Assembly Time : 14: 45
- 15:00
Assembly Point : G/F Lobby, Electric Centre, 28 City Garden Road, North Point, Hong Kong  (Next to the City Garden - Exit B, Fortress Hill Station)
Download the technical visit rundown at www.stmedia-asia.com/trainings.html.

* Pre-registration required
* Free admission for the technical visit
* Intake target: 15 - 20 participants
* Seats are limited. Priority will be given to the CPD course's participants 

Enrollment & Registration
Kindly complete and return an Application Form together with a crossed cheque made payable to “Strategic Media Asia Limited” - Room 403, 4th Floor, Dominion Centre, 43 - 59 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong.
About the Organizer
Strategic Media Asia Limited (SMA) is one of the approved CPD course providers of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) UK. The mission is to provide an interactive environment and opportunities for members of data center industry and critical facilities' engineers to exchange professional views and experience.

